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You can outsource your data-analysis, data-management or creation of reporting tools to us.
This does not mean that we work on our own. Even in our services we try to make the process as interactive as possible with frequent feedback moments. We will discuss together with you on how to address the analysis. We assist your scientists with straightforward analysis, while we can do the more complex analysis. We will provide you also with the background of the analysis solutions and how we reached the conclusions. We use open-source software and share this with you, so you can redo the analysis or share it with other consultants.
Besides statistical services, we provide also data management solutions. Life sciences typically have to deal with lots of data. Data originate from measurement equipment as part of the planned observations, or from monitoring devices that follow environmental conditions. Proper and easy data management are key to success. Dashboards and automated reporting are logic extensions.
Some of the work we don't do ourselves. We contact specialists in our wide network. This will ensure you you get state-of-the art solutions. But if you want to restrict disclosure of your approaches or results, we do everything on our own.


  • Tailor-made databases

  • Upload scripts to feed your data in the data bases

  • Getting objectives and hypothesis clear to improve focus

  • Automation of (semi) routine data analysis

  • Automated reporting

  • Dashboards for quality control

  • Data-mining facilities


  • Formal Data analysis

  • Modern data and result vizualization

  • Meta-analysis and data-mining

  • Modeling and prediction

  • Reporting results and conclusions

All analysis done in open-source software and made available to the client

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